M. Tanzil Idrisi

CS + Math @ Beloit. Experimenting in public. Caramel macchiato addict.


I'm primarily a technical builder and serial founder built 2 startups Outfly and FractalXR(Acquired by Boxally). My academic background is in applied Math, CS and Quantitative Economics, with splashes of philosophy, physics, and psychology.

I spend a lot of time building OUTHAD AI, reading works by Jeffrey Archer, Jaun Elia, and J.K. Rowling, and playing and watching cricket.


Outhad AI Beloit, Wisconsin, United States
Co-Founder and CEO Sep 2024 - Present
β—¦ genera8tor(gBeta) incubated startup. Working on improving the way you search for retailer to end users, bridging the gap between what you speak to what you get by leveraging generative AI, computer vision, natural language processing, and machine, and deep learning.
β—¦ Incubated by genera8tor.

DAAD German Academic Exchange Service LΓΌbeck, Germany
Undergraduate Research Fellow May 2024 - Aug 2024
β—¦ Innovated noise-aware 3D U-Net model, improving PET image quality by 15%, surpassing U-Net performance.
β—¦ Worked on AG-PET: Anatomically Guided Multimodal U-Net for PET denoising.
β—¦ Constructed patch-based NAFNET: Noise-Aware Fusion Network.
β—¦ Worked on Self-Supervised Diffusion model to make the diffusion model noise aware to improve the accuracy of denoising.
β—¦ Presented research findings at the IEEE NSS Medical Imaging Conference 2024 in Tampa, Florida
Supervisor: Ezzat Elmoujarkach, Magdalena Rafecas

outLfy United States Β· Remote
Co-Founder and CEO Oct 2022 - Aug 2024
β—¦ Outlfy, where we provide custom AI solutions to various companies from AI marketing to branding, and data-driven solutions converge for businesses of all sizes.
β—¦ We primarily focus on the Financial and Ecommerce sectors of businesses.
β—¦ We specialize in helping small to medium-sized enterprises grow efficiently and cost-effectively.
β—¦ Our AI-powered strategies elevate customer engagement and revenue, simplifying operations along the way.

Beloit College Beloit, Wisconsin
Data Science Engineer Aug 2023 - May 2024
β—¦ Developed a Python-based desktop application for automating tasks and saved $10K+ by in-house production of custom Financial Aid letters for each student, previously done by outsourced services.

Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Machine Learning Research Intern Aug 2023 - Jan 2024
β—¦ Developed a Python-based mobile system for 3D face reconstruction from 2D images, aimed at supporting cancer and cosmetic surgery planning.
β—¦ Leveraged a GAN trained with PyTorch, achieving 90.2% accuracy rate on the LFW Dataset.
β—¦ Utilized DLib to identify 68 key facial landmarks and employed SciPy, PyMesh, and Matplotlib.
Supervisor: Dr. Ganesh Mani

KFin Technologies Ltd. Mumbai, India
Software Engineer Intern May 2023 - Aug 2023
β—¦ Developed and launched a server using Google Cloud OAuth 2.0 on AWS ECS for ML lifecycle management.
β—¦ Authored Python scripts for monitoring Mutual Fund Scheme Expense Ratios.
β—¦ Engineered AWS Lambda Functions for verification of investor information across 20+ Asset Management firms.


One of my more recent goals is to send out personal life updates every few months to those who are interested. If you're interested, fill out this form.

I also occasionaly write about topics I find interesting at Medium.

Roco AI: Outfit Recommender: fashion outfit generator powered by genAI and LLM, leveraging user order history and cart data to provide personalized outfit recommendations. [github]
OptiTrade AI: Python trading bot [github]
Complaident AI: multi-modal classification system that leverages both text and image data to identify complaints in reviews. [demo]
Intersect Browser: AI powered OS browser to search and navigate the web and manage file explorer with built-in terminal. [demo]
Live Time Gesture Recognition: Trained high-accuracy hand gesture classifiers by transfer learning from VGG-16 and ResNet-50 CNN architectures.
Exercise Tracking App: This project is Real-Time Exercise Monitoring System With Pose Detection, Mediapipe, and OpenCV.
W2P: Words to Words Poem Generator: This project is End-to-End Poetry Generation from a list of topics which includes given words as their threads by using T5: Text-To-Text Transfer Transformer.

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